1.internet is a network of network a network to be called as internet any unknown external user or user or users are allowed to access the part of resources of the network.
2.when you want to expose information to everyone in the world then we use internet protocol such as HTTP,FTP,SMTP, it is a example of internet
INTRANET intranet is a private N/w can be a collection of LAN ,MAN,&WAN
3.users access the resources from with in the oraganzition (locally)
4.if it within company's intranet the information
would not be access ible to person on the internet
it is for private use only
1.extranet is a extended intranet
2.some service are made available to known users or bussiness partner
3.they can access resource from outside the organization (remotely) like home or office intranet users access the resources from within the organization while in a extranet some known users are allowed to access the resources from the outsides network
5.if we have a web based application that allows selected outside bussness partners to review their accounts that is called extranets